MapServer Screenshot | © Camptocamp

A powerful and full-featured map server

MapServer started years ago became one of the most featured map server. List all the features is not possible, and we can only show you a brief description of some of them.

After years of development, the project still releases new version and include several other products, MapCache and TinyOWS, known as MapServer ecosystem.

MapServer Logo | © MapServer
MapServer Screenshot | © Camptocamp

Different ways of using MapServer:

  • CGI parser
  • WMS/WFS services
  • Scripting (Python, PhP, JAVA)

Main features:

  • reading a lot of GIS format (Tif, COG, SHP, PostGIS, WMS/WFS)
  • export data in several GIS formats (XML, GML, CSV, SHP/ZIP, vector tiles)
  • OGC services and standards: WMS, WFS, WCS, SOS, SLD, OGC API
  • Advanced Styling
  • Vector and Raster class categorization
  • support of Inspire metadata
  • and a lot of other features!


  • Very good performances with very little optimization required, making it an easy server to deploy
  • Text files based for configuration, which can be easily pushed into a git repository, and splited into several map configuration files.


Strong involvement

Camptocamp is strongly using MapServer as map server for his projects because it is a powerful, full-featured, server. Of course, some use case need other server sometime, but MapServer fills all the feature we generally need. Camptocamp contributes to MapServer from time to time for source code, bug fixes, documentation, translation. We are implied in the dev and user, French speaking and international community.

MapServer Screenshot | © Camptocamp
MapServer Screenshot | © Camptocamp

Products using MapServer

Camptocamp uses MapServer from 20 years now. First with CartoWeb product, which was strongly based on MapServer and was a great Camtpocamp success! Our new generation of Web GIS, GeoMapfish, is based on OGC services, so we started with MapServer, and now we can use most others map server.

For tailored and high-performance project, we are often using MapServer, for example for GeoAdmin.

A lot of products use MapServer all over the world. You can see some product at the MapServer Site gallery.


Use cases

You want to add a map on your website, share your spatial data between different department, allow user to edit, query the data. MapServer will be a part of your web GIS system.

You can easily create a map service but if you have a more complex map to integrate within your project, Camptocamp can increase your productivity offering you training, development and support for your team!


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