Seamless navigation...
... between 2D and 3D rendered scenes is a feature often asked for, and for which we are providing a dedicated library. Our solutions for 2D webmaps are created with OpenLayers, and the applications for 3D webglobes with CesiumJS.
Camptocamp's Mapping Library offers rich cartographic features and a great user experience. The solution can display billions of records on a map and dynamically style them based on very fine cartographic rules. Further, the mapping library even provides uncommon features to support your very specific cartographic needs.
The rendering features take advantage of the newest technology. It supports both Canvas and WebGL technologies, for maximum flexibility and performance. As active contributors to the libraries we support OGC standards as well as other industry standards such as MapBox Vectortiles or CesiumJS 3D tiles.

High performance web maps...
... are considered standard nowadays. We are offering our JavaScript mapping libraries for developers to integrate them in native applications for mobile devices, as well as desktop applications. Further, we are proposing multiple strategies to load data into the mapping application, whether the device is online or offline. For live data provided by IoT devices, we propose solutions to constantly stream data into the application.
Our experts share their outstanding experience and help you solve your mapping challenges in any system architecture.

Areas of expertise
Geospatial Analytics
Geospatial Information System (GIS)
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
IT Development
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