Geospatial Solutions
Training Python: discovery of the Geospatial ecosystem
Python is one of the most widely used languages in the geospatial world. Many libraries exist to help the developer to develop scripts to manipulate spatial data. This training aims to give a first overview of the possibilities offered by different libraries.

Dates and locations
Trainings can take place in our offices. Please contact us.
Private training sessions can also be organized across Europe upon request
Target audience and prerequisites
- GIS managers, Web developers
- Good notions in Python and development, Good notions in GIS

- Improve Python skill in Geospatial ecosystem
- Be able to manipulate vector and raster data from simple to complex tasks
- Public training in France or Switzerland: please contact us
- Private training: please contact us
- From 700 € or 900 CHF / day / trainee (for other currency, please contact us)
Camptocamp curriculum
Lecture content/Topics
Day 1
Presentation of the Python ecosystem in GeoSpatial
- Libraries
- Installation
- Training program
GDAL/OGR in Python
- Installation
- Read vector data
- Transform vector data (filters, etc.)
- Read raster data
- Transform raster data
- Use of GDAL-OGR command
- Limit of the library
Day 2
- Presentation and installation
- Read vector data
- Projection Systems
- Write vector data
- Presentation and installation
- Predicat and relations
- Spatial Analysis Methods
- Performance
Day 3
- Presentation and installation
- Reading data
- Geographical operation
- Presentation and installation
- Open a data set with its attributes
- Numpy
Your Trainer:

Yves Jacolin
Training & Support Manager
Contact and booking

Additional training
This training can be accompanied by QGIS : développement de plugins
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