Journée romande de la géoinformation 2021

Yves Jacolin
On Tuesday 23 November, Journée romande de la géoinformation 2021 will take place in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, with the theme "Collaborating for sustainable territories". This annual event allows actors of the Swiss geomatics community to meet and discuss different topics. It will take place at the SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne.
Camptocamp will be present again to present its innovative projects around desktop clients (with QGIS), web clients (with GeoMapfish), big spatial data infrastructures that need to manage metadata (geOrchestra) and finally à la carte projects for our most demanding customers.
Camptocamp has been providing its expertise for 20 years in the field of Open Source geomatics and accompanies its customers in their most complex technological evolutions.
We are looking forward to this moment of sharing and meeting with all the actors of the community to contribute to a better collaboration for sustainable territories!
Come and visit us at our stand G1!

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