Camptocamp, sponsor of the 8th QGIS User Meetings

Yves Jacolin
For the 8th consecutive year, Camptocamp was a sponsor, at the Mécène level, of the conference of the French-speaking QGIS Users Meeting which took place on December 15th and 16th online due to COVID. This year, there was no imposed theme, we were free to propose our topics, and the duration of the presentations were less than 15minutes. This helped creating a strong dynamism, similar to the QGIS community.
Camptocamp has carried out many projects and developments in and around QGIS, and we have been selected to present two topics from these projects:
- Integrate your routines in QGIS - Julien Waddle (in french)
- Taking advantage of the QGIS API in a plugin - Arnaud Morvan (in french)
Other videos from this day are available on the OSGeo Youtube platform.
These 2 presentations are the result of our different experiences around QGIS:
- one following several trainings with similar needs for task automation, with tasks outside QGIS: how to avoid switching from one tool to another to fluidify the workflow and push automation as far as possible.
- The second one presents a short feedback following a project for EDF on the development of a business plugin using the great API provided by QGIS.
QGIS is one of the most dynamic projects in the Spatial open source ecosystem and one of the most visible. Google presents it as one of the most important c++ projects in the open source world! Camptocamp is proud to collaborate with the entire QGIS community to make this project stronger and more functional. 2021 will be another great opportunity for Camptocamp to work again on (your?) beautiful projects around QGIS.
Contact us if you want to know more about our services or projects around QGIS, we will be happy to discuss with you about your needs!
Please feel free to contact us.
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