GetItFixed! source code is now public

Yves Jacolin
Camptocamp has developed an application to manage requests from citizens towards communities. This application, developed in 2019 and deployed in our customers' sites, aims to improve exchanges between users and the different services of local authorities. By improving their responsiveness and the monitoring of different type of problems. Requests are stored in a single place, so there is no longer any need to ask users to move around with a paper clipboard. This tool does not require the creation of an account, making it easy to adapt!

We have published a presentation of the tool, which is evolving in the meantime and will continue to do so according to the needs of our customers. Faithful to the DNA of Camptocamp for nearly 20 years, we want to make the source code public (it has been under Open Source license since its inception) and federate as many communities around this project. By making it public, we want to contribute to the ecosystem of dematerialization tools at the service of users.
The source code is published on our Github platform :
If you wish to test the application, our live demo is available here: for the public part and please follow the link for the ticket management part:
We can integrate this project within a GeoMapfish portal or make it independent!
Any ideas? A desire to work with us?
Contact us and we will be more than happy to discuss it.
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