Cloud Native Romandie Meetup | © Camptocamp


Member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Camptocamp is quite active and interested in sharing knowledge with as many people as possible.
For this specific reason, our team of experts created the Cloud Native Romandie Meetup Group.

The goal of this group is to bring together members who are interested in Open Source Cloud Native Solutions, and possibly located in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, the Romandie.

In order to better share our knowledge and experience, our team organizes up to 4 events per year, some virtual and some onsite. We invite a lot of other speakers from other companies to share with the audience their cloud native solutions, technologies, and feedback.

The ultimate objective is to enhance and empower the participants in a better understanding of all the technologies out there and keep track of the main solutions.

We also aim to help participants save time by participating once every quarter to this meetup if they don’t have the chance to do so in their daily duties.


Let’s see some short videos from the last meetups!

You can find a mix of videos from speakers from Exoscale - sharing about their new platform SKS - Scalable Kubernetes Service - or from Dynatrace - with the Keptn solution, on how to automate SLI/SLO based build validation.

You can also find other videos from Camptocamp where our internal staff introduces the DevOps Stack, a framework to automate the deployment of Kubernetes ecosystems, as well as K9s, a powerful CLI interface to manage Kubernetes clusters.

Follow these talks by checking out at our Youtube Channel, and sign up for our Meetups to follow them live

Get in contact with us!

We are always looking for new topics and speakers, so if you wish to participate and share about Cloud Native solutions, contact us!

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