Odoo Experience 2021 : Camptocamp est à nouveau sponsor Premium
Nane van der Elst
Les 6 et 7 octobre, Odoo Experience se déroulera à nouveau en ligne.
Les OCA Days se tiendront également en ligne les 28 et 29 octobre.
Odoo Experience virtuelle
Pendant cet événement, vous aurez l'occasion d'entrer en contact direct avec les spécialistes mondiaux d'Odoo. Deux journées entières de conférences et de débats passionnants, un hall d'exposition virtuel et bien plus encore vous y attendent.
Des sujets tels que les meilleures pratiques Odoo, les nouveaux développements et la croissance des affaires feront partie de cette conférence. Et chaque exposé se terminera par une session de questions-réponses, pour répondre à toutes vos questions.
Et le meilleur : cet événement est gratuit !
Odoo V 15
Lors de cet événement, Odoo V15 sera lancé avec toutes ses fonctionnalités, nouvelles applications et caractéristiques.
Plus d'informations seront bientôt disponibles !
Quatre présentations de Camptocamp (en anglais)
Avec quatre présentations exclusives, Camptocamp montre son expertise dans différents domaines d'Odoo. Et pour le clou des présentations, notre client Cosanum vous donnera un aperçu de leur projet réalisé avec notre aide au cours des 2,5 dernières années. Dans le cadre de ce projet, ils ont pu remplacer 8 solutions différentes par Odoo comme leur seule et unique suite de Business Apps.
Using Subscriptions and deferred revenue models to manage warranty extensions and renewals
Thomas Arbib
06.10.2021 08:00 - 08:30pm
By selling physical products, you may increase your revenue by offering warranty extensions and renewals. As they usually last for an additional 12 or 24 months and are invoiced at order, you will most probably end up with revenue covering several periods.
Sale of chemical equipment with a warranty of 12 months
The deferred revenue is generated with draft journal entries
Odoo's solution:
Combine the power of Subscriptions to follow the warranty extensions bought by your customers and deferred revenue models to integrate them into your accounting seamlessly.
Creation of an account in the P&L for a 12-months warranty
Creation of a deferred revenue model, triggering the generation of draft entries in your accounting
A sales order for equipment and the 12-months warranty
A subscription is created automatically
Delivery of the equipment
The order is fully invoiced
When approaching the end of the warranty, the subscription becomes "to renew," giving a new sale opportunity
Renew the warranty, and everything is linked to the same subscription
Advanced warehousing with Odoo and the OCA ecosystem
Joël Grand-Guillaume
07.10.2021 05:30 - 06:00pm
The world of logistics is enormous, and there are many challenges in implementing software to support those processes. Since the very beginning, Odoo has always approached it in a very user-friendly and innovative manner.
This talk is made for partners and advanced users eager to know how Odoo can support complex warehousing flows. We expect the audience to know well Odoo Logistics and Warehousing main concepts.
This talk will present an overview of advanced features to handle important warehouses using the Odoo core and extra OCA modules. We will go through a complete incoming-stock-outgoing process together and highlight how those features apply in real life:
Multi storage type, storage strategies, and constraints
Stock allocations, reservation rules, and dynamic routing to route internal operations
Guide operators through multi-stage material flows and hand-held devices
At the end of the talk, you will better understand what Odoo is capable of and how you can start setting it up. You will get a list of relevant modules and a base process to have Odoo perform well in a warehouse context.
Create multi-purpose gift cards using Odoo
Emeric Panisset
07.10.2021 08:30 - 09:00pm
One of our clients, active in the e-commerce sector, wanted to generate multi-use gift cards (partial usage) and manage them from an accounting perspective. To do this, we adapted the Sale Coupon module to make it usable in this context. Then, we developed two complementary modules:
A first module to deal with the multiple uses of coupons, including a remaining amount to be used later.
A second module to define essential accounting information on the created product via product categories.
Now our client can provide codes that its customers can use several times with the associated amount decreasing accordingly and manage the resulting operations in accounting terms. These two modules provide an interesting added value for e-commerce companies looking to use this type of practice.
Handle an advanced event ticketing system with Odoo
Didier Donzé
07.10.2021 09:00 - 09:30pm
Learn how you can use Odoo to handle an advanced ticketing system.
For a tourist attraction in Switzerland, we needed to offer customers a way to buy tickets online or at the front desk and souvenirs in a physical shop. As the visits are guided and begin with a short train trip, we also had to handle the reservation of guides and drivers. Odoo, with its Events, Point of Sale, eCommerce, and Planning apps, was the solution.
During this talk, you will discover
the main aspects of this implementation, with enhancements to the Point of Sale app and the handling of Events,
how you can use the Events app in the context of ticketing, and
our lessons learned.
This session is a functional one and open to a large audience.
Simplifying 8 Software Programs to One System Only Using Odoo
Schefer Bruno, Co-headcoach at Cosanum
07.10.2021 03:00 - 03:30pm
Cosanum is a company with over 100 million CHF in turnover and an ERP that was 14 years old. In addition to the ERP, however, there was also a warehouse management system, a purchasing programme, an accounting programme, a separate CRM, and a programme for time-stamping. Overall, Cosanum had about 8 different programme software.
At the same time, all programmes ran on over 50 servers in-house. This made the system very complex and extremely expensive to maintain and support technically.
Using Odoo, we were able to switch off all programmes and switch to just one system only, and of course to a cloud solution.
Key findings:
Managing director as project manager
The fact that the managing director was in charge of the project was decisive for its success. Due to the fortunate circumstance that the management is run by him and his son Thomas, Bruno was able to devote 100% of his time to the project.
Odoo Partner - camptocamp
On campttocamp's side, a project manager was appointed who had a very high level of Odoo competence and consistently insisted on adapting Cosanum as much as possible to the standard and not vice versa.
Public interest
First, radically change and then simplify processes
Decision-making authority for the project manager
Very complex logistics concept possible in Odoo
Decisive Odoo partner
Target group:
All business managers facing a digital transformation
All Odoo project managers - about state of the art project management
Profitez-en pour visiter notre stand virtuel Camptocamp pour discuter, parler ou échanger avec nos experts et comprendre comment le premier partenaire Gold d'Odoo partage tout son travail avec la communauté.
N'hésitez pas et inscrivez-vous dès maintenant !
OCA Days
Les 28 et 29 octobre, les OCA days vous donneront la possibilité de mettre à niveau vos compétences fonctionnelles et techniques. L'agenda n'étant pas encore fixé, nous vous tiendrons informés de l'organisation des conférences.
Contactez-nous !
Si vous souhaitez entrer en contact avec l'un de nos experts ou si nous devons vous tenir au courant de l'Odoo Experience, veuillez utiliser le formulaire ci-dessous.
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