Camptocamp is pleased to be an exhibitor in this special year as well, not on site but virtually present. Enjoy a 100% authentic network atmosphere and be there when the worldwide geospatial community meets at the first completely digital INTERGEO!

In the DISCOVER section we will present our products and solutions in the GIS and INFRASTRUCTURE environment and our specialists will be available to you via a digital video chat room in real time for professional exchange and a closer look at our portfolio. You are also welcome to arrange a personal meeting with us in advance. Just give us a call or use our contact form below.

Intergeo Fair | © Shutterstock

During INTERGEO, experts from science, industry and politics meet to follow the latest applications and trends in the constantly evolving GIS industry.

Camptocamp is the main initiator and publisher of important open source GIS software in the areas of WebGIS, Spatial Data Infrastructure and Desktop GIS. Our Open Source Stack includes: GeoMapFish, MapFish Print, geOrchestra, OpenLayers, GeoNetwork and QGIS.

If you need an INTERGEO ticket, we would be pleased to send you a personal voucher code for all three days. This will enable you to visit the digital fair free of charge.

To receive a voucher code, please send a short e-mail to or use the contact form below

Get in contact with us

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